Cliff was deeply committed to making every moment matter. To honor his way of life, these are the commitments his friends and family have made to make each moment matter.
My dad always supported my music. He loved listening to me play the piano and took me to weekly piano lessons ever since I was five years old. In honor of his unfaltering support and love, I have committed to learning a new challenging song on the piano every month.
- Ayla, Cliff’s Daughter
My father was committed to constantly creating beautiful, small, yet still perfect moments of happiness and peace in my life. Rather than remembering him on the impending June 13th, my commitment to my father and myself is to keep his memory alive on every other day of the year along with this one, through sharing pictures, videos, and memories.
- Sonya, Cliff’s Daughter
This commitment I made to my angel on his last days on this earth:
My sweet angel Cliff, where this journey of life takes us in flesh and in soul, god only knows; but wherever our destiny takes us, I promise you:
I will stand by you, holding your hand and caring for your soul
I will love and care for our two angels till my last breath
I will keep your love alive in our heart
I will keep your memory vivid in our soul
I will always smile in your light
- Mitra, Cliff’s Wife